
The Young are the Future

 My hope in a future for America lies in the young.  But things are going to burn to the ground first. This isnt rocket science, and even the dotards and fools lavishing in luxury are aware. That us why they are stealing and hoarding what they can while they can. Looting the burning City on a Hill, a Fire Sale.  Iv had this thought for years, as climate change and global warming driven storms, fires, floods, mass human migrations, genocides, economic decline, pandemic and mass deaths, ecological disasters,  etc have inflicted pain on humanity. Children have been born and grew living in homelessness and poverty, into an economic system that offers them no future other than as virtual slaves.  The children born into this mess have endured loss of hope and opportunity as greedy capitalists have rigged economies, elections, crafted laws designed to exclude whole classes if individuals, built walls to stop migrating humans and desperately clung to their wealth and po...

The Social Safety Net

 Poverty, homelessness, or near homelessness are especially daunting if one is elderly, disabled, or chronically ill. In fact it basically is tantamount to a slow death.  One can starve to death, die from exposure, be killed by predatory humans, or die of medical issues without treatment. Most especially if they wind up in the street homeless. We are accustomed to the propaganda that America is a land of milk and honey, that the things I just mentioned cant happen here. But they do, all the time. People are found dead in houses, alleys, fields, or streets every day.  There are lots of suicides. And pompous self righteous Americans brush these off as "druggies, bums, or trash". Most of the time it isnt even reported in news. I personally have seen people wind up discarded by family, society, or the failing systems many times since the mid 1980s.  The first eye opener for me was clearing the effects of a mentally ill man who died in a shack in a poor part of town back ...

Finger in the dyke

  We dont have to burn down a system that will fail, burn itself down. By becoming irrelevant to social needs and changing circumstances it falls on its own. Formal structures are always destined to disappear Institutions like Nursing Homes, prisons, etc have a formal structure that sets schedules, rules, practices, etc. They rely on "zero tolerance" and compliance. But informal structures exist that serve needs not addressed or counter to the formal structure. This mirrors the outside world. The real world. When laws or rules meet needs then we follow them. When they dont we ignore them. Having the approval of "authority" is not necessary to accomplishing ends. When one is free of compulsion to "obey" there are few rules. We simply "do". We get things done, and social needs are met. Spengler's Decline of the West outkibes such social evolutions. It isnt a "bible". But it is a springboard for developing thought. Nations, Government...

News Resources

The US is rapidly becoming  a third world oligarchic autocracy; and censorship and gaslighting are common .  My suggestion is to stop exposing your mind to fascist propaganda so you can think clearly and not be sucked in by brainwash.  QUIT watching TV news. It poisons minds. TV network news, X, Facebook, Youtube, Tim Tok, and billionaire owned networks are misleading and misinforming- to be kind. Stop using them at all. A better Social Media resource is  Bluesky .  Scientists, medical researchers, academians and others have gathered there and are a wealth of data, education, current events, and truth. Numerous links to actual science based data can be found in their posts. Other primary sources are available to stay abreast of weather, etc; and reliable information regarding health etc can be obtained from outside sources.  I stopped listening to the US CDC under Trump's first term as it had been politicized and censored; and instead followed guidance from...


 In 2006 I lost my home and stable employment, like lots of others I knew. George Bush mismanaged us into economic crisis and banks closed, interest rates climbed, folk lost their homes, jobs, everything. It continued to worsen for years. Even the " too big to fail" had to be " bailed out " by the government. I cried for joy when Barack Obama was elected. He was going to change things, we thought. Then a week after the election, before he even took office, the place I worked suddenly closed, as did numerous local businesses. I was unemployed for almost 2 years, and like millions of other 50 somethings became unemployable, replaced by 20 somethings who would work for less with no benefits. Obama didnt end the wars, repeal the Patriot Act, and left Reagans tax cuts for the rich intact. But he gave us hope. The last time I got my hopes up and thought we were going to straighten America out was In September 2011- the Occupy Movement . The day before September 17th I wen...

US health at risk

Medical information is being censored currently. Trump has shut down the CDC, NIH, and other health agencies ; and withdrawn the US from the World Health Organization. These organizations and agencies provide essential health information regarding deadly and infectious diseases. For example, if Ebola or some new deadly strain of Covid were spreading these are the public's alert system. They collect health data and present it to the public.  These are essential services, more critical to world and national  Now you nor your doctor would know if an epidemic or pandemic was looming.  Now, with CDC and other health agencies muzzled you would not take precautions, be aware of symptoms or dangers.You wouldnt know.  Having so recently endured the covid pandemic in which a million Americans died one would think health threats would be taken seriously. Even our own history ought teach one- with polio, smallpox, measles, and AIDS. And yes, people used to die in droves from mea...

Trump freezes Medicaid. Nursing Home Residents at risk

 This will scare you if you are in a Nursing Home or have a family member in one. In any state. Trump’s Funding Freeze Wrecks Medicaid Portals in Every Single State What does that mean to Nursing Home residents? Most people in US nursing homes have their stay provided for by long term care Medicaid. Nursing homes stay in business because this is how they are funded. If Medicaid funding were cut off the nursing home would close, and its residents discharged. So if you have a loved one in a nursing home you would recieve a call or letter telling you to come pick them up or make other arrangements. I am a resident of a Texas nursing home. I read the news and then went to the Social Worker to ask about this. Her eyes were red- obviously had been crying or very stressed. She confirmed that this was true and added "everyone is frantic. They are cutting off everything". I asked "and then...?" And she looked up and said " I dont know. We dont know" I used to work ...