The Young are the Future
My hope in a future for America lies in the young.
But things are going to burn to the ground first. This isnt rocket science, and even the dotards and fools lavishing in luxury are aware. That us why they are stealing and hoarding what they can while they can. Looting the burning City on a Hill, a Fire Sale.
Iv had this thought for years, as climate change and global warming driven storms, fires, floods, mass human migrations, genocides, economic decline, pandemic and mass deaths, ecological disasters, etc have inflicted pain on humanity.
Children have been born and grew living in homelessness and poverty, into an economic system that offers them no future other than as virtual slaves.
The children born into this mess have endured loss of hope and opportunity as greedy capitalists have rigged economies, elections, crafted laws designed to exclude whole classes if individuals, built walls to stop migrating humans and desperately clung to their wealth and power; and the past that preserves those by chiseling its symbols in stone- literally mandating religious teaching and its Commandments be posted on school room walls.
These same dying old white men have tried to preserve white male supremacy, its religions, its phobias and to use law the force those upon the young.
They expanded gun ownership while children were being massacred in schools.
They stood in the way of vaccinations and infection control measures as schools were closed for a year owing to a pandemic they refused to acknowlege or deal that workers would continue slaving away to enrich an economy that bolstered only the ultra rich.
The denied the reality of climate change and global warming as whole communities were destroyed by its manifestations.
They banned books and ridiculed science while shoveling cultural and religious myths down these childrens throats, made efforts to exclude the young and marginalized from voting- precisely to keep change from coming.
Those who are born into such misery, ignorance, injustice, and oppression are shaped by it. Learn from it.
Most surely todays young, having endured the worst, see that mass murders, killer epidemics, homelessness are unacceptable. They are keenly aware that trading the lives and futures of others to enrich and empower the few is an evil injustice, because tgeir lives have been traded to maintain the rich and entitled.
Surviving these horrors differentiates them from the priveliged pampered aristocrats who currently run things. Many of these oligarchs were born into wealth, never had to struggle or problem solve, never had to overcome difficulty. As a result they are weak and stupid.
Throughout human those who have endured the most became the most creative. A Renaisance followed a Dark Age.
We will move into a bright future when the young reject the outdated irrelevant thinking of their elders, bury them and their ways in the past, and seize the moment to create a better society, one that has an economy that meets the needs of its people, that embraces science and learning, that rewards creativity and inclusiveness.
When this system collapses into ashes and ruin, these children are the seeds of a new future.
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