Finger in the dyke
We dont have to burn down a system that will fail, burn itself down. By becoming irrelevant to social needs and changing circumstances it falls on its own. Formal structures are always destined to disappear
Institutions like Nursing Homes, prisons, etc have a formal structure that sets schedules, rules, practices, etc. They rely on "zero tolerance" and compliance.
But informal structures exist that serve needs not addressed or counter to the formal structure. This mirrors the outside world. The real world.
When laws or rules meet needs then we follow them. When they dont we ignore them.
Having the approval of "authority" is not necessary to accomplishing ends. When one is free of compulsion to "obey" there are few rules. We simply "do". We get things done, and social needs are met.
Spengler's Decline of the West outkibes such social evolutions. It isnt a "bible". But it is a springboard for developing thought. Nations, Governments, religions, cultures, economic systems all over time and circumstance grow and decline. Nothing is carved in stone.
What we see now are the souless dead attempting to chisel the past in stone, to preserve what is decaying, through decrees, laws, walls etc. As futile as attempting to stop human migration or sea level rise.
The embrace of fascism and corporate monolithic government is an attempt to impose an order on disorder. Things are changing. Climate change is a factor. Mass migrations of humans have always been piqued by climate and resource changes...just like the other animals on this planet.
Some, though, cling to the past and seek to force arbitrary or conventional order from without, to stop change.
But social change comes from within, from extra legal informal circles and associations.
They will try to freeze evolving and reacting human behaviors, thought, associations etc but fail. Their religion, culture, capitalism, "racial purity" are momentary. They served the needs of the past for the people of the past.
We now need to do the things that need to be done within our own informal circles and ignore the withered clowns dancing off the stage.
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